Sky Power - State of the art solar water heating

Sky Power solar water heating systems are amongst the most powerful on the market offering guaranteed performance delivery.

Having overcome all of the technical challenges to prevent overheating in summer and Freezing in Winter, Sky Power systems deliver the highest levels of useable energy.

Sky Power solar water heating systems also demonstrate a tangible return on investment and we encourage you to monitor ongoing electricity consumption to prove the effectiveness of our product.

Technical excellence and outstanding customer service are our trademarks on which we have built our unrivalled reputation.

Monday, November 14, 2022

 Save before you Generate.

Sure Load-Shedding is a pain and it's not going to go away or get any better in the foreseeable future.

Before investing in an electricity PV generating Solar Power system. 

Reduce your demand. 

A typical water heater draws between 10 -13 kWh's of electricity a day You can save all of this with a correctly sized Solar Water Heater. at a cost of only R26,000

This could be as much as half your total electricity consumption.

The same applies to reducing all you heavy lighting and other appliances where possible. 
Change the Electric out Gas and up grade to an efficient new Fridge / Freezer  rather than continue with the 20 year old one you have at the moment.

The less power you have to generate the less it will cost you to install.

I have customers fully off Eskom power under normal sunny day circumstances all year round  but we could not have done that without first reducing the basic electricity load.


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